January 4, 2024
Aubrey and I allowed ourselves the luxury of setting our alarm for 9 am because we were up past 2 ensuring everyone was packed and ready for the trip home. We didn’t have to check out until 11 am, and there wouldn’t be much time for activities before we had to head to the airport.
By some miracle, we managed to get out on time, even with 6 out of 8 of us showering. This trip I learned never to underestimate how much time it can take for 8 people to get out the door in the morning when there is only one toilet and only one shower/bath.
I was looking forward to a stress-free travel day (Aubrey calls that on oxymoron), but then we got an email from Air Canada notifying us that the Tokyo-Vancouver leg of the flight for the BC contingent was delayed by two and a half hours “due to mechanical problems” on the incoming flight. Sound familiar? This was going to be a big problem, as Noam’s comfortable two and a half hour cushion to catch his flight to Kelowna would disappear. I immediately started trouble shooting. I repeatedly tried to call Air North, to try and switch Noam’s flight to a later time, but couldn’t get my Canadian SIM card to work to call Canada. I also tried to contact the virtual assistant from Expedia, got disconnected three or four times, and then when I finally “spoke” to someone, they told me I had to speak directly to the airline because it was within 24 hours. Not fun. I decided to leave it until later as I was trying to navigate the logistics of our last couple of hours in Tokyo (all of this troubleshooting was being done while I was waiting for a bus, riding a bus, and finally while running an errand).
Before heading into the station, Noam saw a Smiskis display in the window of one of those multi-floor stores, so headed instead of heading to The Loft which had been closed the day before. Everyone else followed so there were some more last minute souvenir purchases. They were some really crazy items – these made me laugh out loud.
We headed to Ueno to find lockers for our luggage, shop a bit, eat and then head to the airport. Unfortunately we did not learn the lesson of our first day in Tokyo, and our trip ended the same way it began: spending too much time looking for available lockers for our luggage, giving up, and eating at the same good GOO Food Hall where we ate that first afternoon we arrived. We had to sit at two separate tables, but it all worked out. We also got another email saying that their flight was no longer delayed, so I would not have to reschedule Noam’s flight. Food was good, it came quickly, and we got out of there in time to catch our train.
The “Skyliner Airport Express” train we were trying to catch was a reserved seat train and there was much chaos at the ticket office as we were trying to use up the money on our Suica cards (kind of like a pre-paid cash card used for transit but also for other purchases). Five of us had it loaded in our digital wallet on our phones, a couple had physical cards, and Erez had his loaded on his apple watch. We didn’t realize how difficult it was going to be. The woman in the ticket was not cooperative, didn’t speak English, and my Japanese wasn’t cutting it through the plexiglass barrier in the noisy train station. We did the best we could and headed to the train. Right as we were going to go through the turnstile, Erez’s watch (which had the Suica card loaded onto it) spontaneously shut off, so he couldn’t come through the gate. All of us were already on the other side. He had to wait for his watch to reboot and turn back on so he could tap in. In the meantime, our train was arriving within minutes. Some of us went ahead, I got them set up in the line for their train car and anxiously watched the escalator for our second group of four to arrive so I could check which car they were on. It turned out they took a different escalator, and I managed to catch up with them and get on the train in time. Thank goodness for cellphones. We were split into two different cars, and were also split up within those cars.
We arrived at the airport right on schedule. Another notification from Air Canada: their flight was now going to leave a half hour EARLY. WHAAAT???
As we arrived at Narita we had to go our separate ways, as the BC contingent was leaving from the South Wing of the Terminal and the Ontario contingent was leaving from the North Wing. I suddenly got very emotional as I said goodbye to Erez, Noam and Kerrie. It just snuck up on me and I couldn’t hold the tears in.
After some long hugs, we headed to security and immigration. We got through efficiently and had quite bit of time to use up the last of our non-refundable Suica cards on snacks. Once through security we got an update from Noam that their flight was now delayed again, for ninety minutes this time. We are not sure what will happen once he gets to Vancouver. He has to go through customs, get his checked bag and catch his flight, all with only an hour and a bit inbetween arrival and departure. Worst case scenario (aside from missing his connection) he will go through customs and sprint to his plane, Erez and Kerrie will pick up his bag (both of them had things inside it), and figure out some way for him to get his bag back. I eagerly await the news of how things end up in Vancouver.
As for the Ontario contingent, we got on our plane on time, and the flight was uneventful, except for the fact that we had to go through security again in Calgary for some reason and they confiscated my sesame salad dressing. Our original flight that we had to cancel was direct, non-stop, and this replacement flight we have a 5 hour layover in Calgary. Well, it is what it is. We will be getting home very late after another extremely long day.
Update from the BC Contingent: It was a team effort, and there was a lot of sprinting through the airport involved (by both Noam and Erez), but Noam got through customs, and re-checked his bag – we are not certain that it will get there at the same time as him though. He made it onto the plane to Kelowna. Yay!
I am writing this from the Calgary airport where we will be staying for 5 hours total. Hopefully there won’t be much noteworthy to write about today. I do have at least two more posts in me, and will post in the next two days or so…
Sayonara for now…