“Better out than in I always say…” – Shrek

I have definitely not been careful while eating here in Mexico, having a strong stomach, I was feeling pretty cocky, and then it hit – Montezuma’s revenge. It wasn’t too terrible, one and a half bad trips to the bathroom, I ate some pepto bismol, and switched to toast and other bland foods. I made it through class, but was still feeling quite off. I slept off and on through the afternoon and then discovered that I had developed a low grade fever. Not what I was hoping for. Howard, Louis and Jessica were also sick, in spite of eating different things. Louis also had a fever and was sicker than me. Howard and Jessica bounced back a little quicker. The worst part was that I missed a whole day of eating guacamole.

I figured I wouldn’t have anything to write about today, but then…it happened.

After class Michelle and I walked to a nearby laundromat. I packed very minimally for this trip, and had sweated through most of my clothes already. I was carrying my laundry around in my sarong like a baby sling.

It was a beautiful, newly renovated, clean laundromat. Was a pleasure to sit and chat with Michelle while we waited for our clothes.

We were sitting and chatting, frequently watching the clothes go round and round in the washing machine, and then I spotted it. “Oh my G!d!”.


”My cell phone is in the washing machine”

”What???? No way!”

And then it all came back to me. After class I had tucked my cell phone into my laundry sling so it would be more accessible on my walk. I of course had forgotten all about it. As we stared in disbelief at the machine, we suddenly saw my home screen pressed up against the window through the suds. There was a picture of Aubrey’s smiling face peeking out at us. We started laughing hysterically. We tried to snap a picture of Aubrey in the machine, but by then the phone had flipped around again, and the flashlight was on in the back. We kept seeing this flash of brilliant light every minute or two as it was tumbling through the front loading machine.

We did try to see if we could pause the cycle before the spin cycle started, but it was impossible. I just accepted my fate and waited until the cycle was done.

I should do a series of commercials now: for the iPhone 14 pro, for the heavy duty otter box and the screen protector. It came out functioning perfectly. The screen protector was cracked but the screen was intact.

Here are a few random shots I took on the way home:

As soon as we got home, I collapsed on the couch, then crawled up to bed for the rest of the day and evening. Michelle and I had to attend an important synagogue board meeting for a couple of hours which was a bit painful, but very necessary, and then I finally went to sleep.

You never know what the day will bring. Hopefully I will be back to eating guacamole tomorrow.

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